Macedonian Serbo-Croat Russian
Macedonian – English
Take Six: Six Balkan Women Writers
including seven stories by Natali Spasova, Dedalus Books, 2023, 288 pages, ISBN 978-1-915568-12-0
“Cleaning Up”
by Ivan Dodovski, TURKOSLAVIA, 1, 2022,
“Revisiting Sofia”
Essay and an excerpt from the novel On the Way Back by Frosina Parmakovska, 2021,
The Eighth Wonder of the World
by Jordan Plevneš, Plamen Press, 2020, 158 pages, ISBN 978-0996072267
Balkan Poetry Today
Three poems by Ivan Trposki and three by Dušan Ristevski in Balkan Poetry Today, 2017
Short Fiction from Macedonia
“Nectar” by Rumena Bužarovska, “Fog” and “Fire” by Nenad Joldeski, “The Lighter (Chapter 1)” by Natali Spasova and “The Bird on the Balcony” by Petre Dimovski in Words Without Borders, January 2017,
“A Creature of Habit”
by Rumena Bužarovska, World Literature Today, September-October 2016, pp. 33-35
by Rumena Bužarovska, Best European Fiction 2016, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2015, ISBN 978-1628971149
by Aleksandar Prokopiev, Best European Fiction 2015, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2014, ISBN 978-1564789679
“Noses” & “Swimming in Dust”
by Rumena Bužarovska, Hayden’s Ferry Review, 54, 2014, pp. 45-49 by Igor Isakovski, Hayden’s Ferry Review, 54, 2014, pp. 166-170
“The Seventh Side of the Dice”
by Vlada Urošević, Best European Fiction 2014, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2013, ISBN 978-1564788986
The Sunrise in My Dream / Угрејсонце во мојот сон
Poetry by Ivan Trposki (bilingual version), Macedonian Literary Association “Grigor Prlichev” 2013, 171 pages, ISBN 978-0-98084799-4
“The Giant Suitcase” & “Artist of the Revolution”
by Ivan Dodovski, BODY,
Stolen Thoughts / Украдени мисли
Poetry by Dushan Ristevski (bilingual version), Macedonian Literary Association “Grigor Prlichev” 2011, 158 pages, ISBN 978-0-9808479-6-3
“Academician Sisoye’s Inaugural Speech”
by Blazhe Minevski, Best European Fiction 2011, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2010, ISBN 9781564786005
Novel by Petre M. Andreevski, Pollitecon Publications 2009, co-translated with Mirjana Simjanovska, 290 pages, ISBN 978-0-9804763-2-3
Anya’s Diary
Children’s novel by Dimitar Bashevski, Slovo Publishers 2007, 149 pages (with lovely illustrations by my sister Adi Firth!), ISBN 978-9989-103-63-6
Regular freelance work for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), 2005 to 2008
Serbo-Croat – English
“Femicide in Serbia: Women least safe in their own home” and “What satellite data tells us about air quality Serbia”
articles for the European Data Journalism Network, 2024 and 2025
Short story by Tijana Rakočević, Exchanges, 2024,
“Vitiligo Fawn”
by Tijana Rakočević, Asymptote,
“Lover of the Eye”
Essay by Sanja Domazet, 2023,
Take Six: Six Balkan Women Writers
including stories by Magdalena Blažević, Tatjana Gromača, Vesna Perić and Sonja Živaljević, Dedalus Books, 2023, 288 pages, ISBN 978-1-915568-12-0
Balkan Bombshells
Contemporary Women’s Writing from Serbia and Montenegro Stories by 17 female writers, Istros Books, 2023, 143 pages, ISBN 978-1-912545-84-1
The Antiwar Campaign 1991-2011. The Untold Story
historical study on the peace movement in Croatia, Documenta 2022,
Sea, Sun, Salt: Short Stories from Montenegro
Gligorije Dijak, 2022, ISBN 978-9940-22-052-5 (including the three new translations “Dedication” by Milovan Radojević, “Meeting Sylvia” by Jovanka Vukanović and “Spinster” by Aleksandar Ćuković)
A Novel of London
Novel by Miloš Crnjanski, Službeni glasnik, 2022, 892 pages, ISBN 9788651925033 (the second English edition)
Horror and Huge Expenses
Short stories by Robert Perišić, Sandorf Passage, 2021, 224 pages, ISBN 978-9533513256
An excerpt from the novel Sampas by Ilija Đurović, 2021,
50-page excerpt from the novel Minister by Stefan Bošković for the website of the European Union Prize for Literature
Trafika Europe no. 17. Mysterious Montenegro
Excerpts from the novels Dominik by Milovan Radojević and Arcueil by Aleksandar Bečanović in Trafika Europe no. 17. Mysterious Montenegro,
The Olcinium Trilogy
Novel trilogy by Andrej Nikolaidis, Istros Books, 2019, 400 pages, ISBN 978-1912545995
“Search: Porn”
by Stefan Bošković, Words Without Borders,
“Fashion and Friends”
by Stefan Bošković, BODY,
Mothers and Daughters
Novel by Vedrana Rudan, Dalkey Archive Press, 2018, 225 pages, ISBN 978-1628972931
“Transparent Animals”
by Stefan Bošković, Best European Fiction 2019, Dalkey Archive Press, 2018, ISBN 978-1628972863
Head Full of Joy
Collection of short stories by Ognjen Spahić, Dalkey Archive Press, 2018, 305 pages, ISBN 978-1628972733
Mrs. Black
Excerpt from the novel by Olja Knežević on the World Literature Today blog,
Balkan Poetry Today
Three poems by Slađana Kavarić and three by Vukan De Deo in Balkan Poetry Today, 2017
“Febo Waited for a Pencil”
Short story by Brano Mandić, BODY,
Journey to Russia
Literary travelogue by Miroslav Krleža, Sandorf 2017, 242 pages, ISBN 978-953-351-029-3
World Literature Today
“White Dogs” by Milovan Radojević, “Koko and Raden” by Brano Mandić and “Leaving” by Slađana Kavarić in World Literature Today, March 2017
Quiet Flows the Una
Novel by Faruk Šehić, Istros Books 2016, 193 pages, ISBN 978-1-908236-49-4
“The Five Widows”
by Ilija Đurović, Best European Fiction 2016, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2015, ISBN 978-1628971149
Till Kingdom Come
Novel by Andrej Nikolaidis, Istros Books 2015, 128 pages, ISBN 9781908236-241,
“The Gates of Hell” & “Happiness on a Leash”
by Ružica Gašperov, Zagreb Noir, Akashic Books, New York 2015 by Neven Ušumović, Zagreb Noir, Akashic Books, New York 2015
“The Silence of Lamb-Eaters: Transition as a Post-War Crime”
by Andrej Nikolaidis, Welcome to the Desert of Post-Socialism: Radical Politics After Yugoslavia, Srećko Horvat and Igor Štiks (eds.), Verso 2015, ISBN 978-1781686201
“The Eyes of Entropija Plamenac”
by Balša Brković, Best European Fiction 2015, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2014, ISBN 978-1564789679
The Great War
Novel by Aleksandar Gatalica, Istros Books 2014, 414 pages, ISBN 978-1908236203 Shortlisted for the Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize (2015) and longlisted for the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award (2015)
“A Small Gift from the Isles in the Third Year of the War”
by Aleksandar Gatalica, Wasafiri, 78, 2014, pp. 10-12
Little Global Cities: Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Translations for the alternative travel guide Little Global Cities: Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina), Kerber Verlag 2014, 204 pages, ISBN: 978-3-86678-618-9
“Adios Cowboy” & “The New Testament”
by Olja Savičević Ivančević, Best European Fiction 2014, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2013, ISBN 978-1564788986 by Lena Ruth Stefanović, Best European Fiction 2014, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2013, ISBN 978-1564788986
The Son
Novel by Andrej Nikolaidis, Istros Books 2013, 115 pages, ISBN 978-1908236128 This book won Nikolaidis the 2011 European Union Prize for Literature.
“The Red Devil”
by Boris Dežulović, BODY,
The Storm in the Still Life: Letterplying a Sea of Red
Epistemological novel by Ivan B. Vodopija, Ex Libris 2013, 122 pages, ISBN 978-953-284-080-3
“The Face”
by Dragan Radulović, Best European Fiction 2013, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2012, ISBN: 978-1564787927
“So Much Time for so Few Things”
by Andrej Nikolaidis, Transcript, Europe’s online review of international writing, no. 40, 2012,
Short story by Olja Savičević Ivančević,
Little Global Cities: Novi Sad (Serbia)
Translations for the alternative travel guide Little Global Cities: Novi Sad (Serbia), Kerber Verlag 2012, 132 pages, ISBN: 978-3-86678-615-8
Little Global Cities: Osijek (Croatia)
Translations for the alternative travel guide Little Global Cities: Osijek (Croatia), Kerber Verlag 2012, 172 pages, ISBN: 978-3-86678-614-1
Our Man in Iraq
Novel by Robert Perišić, Istros Books 2012, 260 pages, ISBN: 978-1908236043 US edition: Black Balloon Publishing 2013, 256 pages, ISBN: 978-1936787050
“Without Fear of Change” & “The Coming”
by Marija Knežević, Best European Fiction 2012, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2011, ISBN 978-1564786807 Excerpt by Andrej Nikolaidis, Best European Fiction 2012, Dalkey Archive Press, Champaign/London 2011, ISBN 978-1564786807
Russian – English
Poems “2023” and “To Dzmitry Zavadsky”, “In the air-raid shelter”
Poems “2023” and “To Dzmitry Zavadsky” by Kaciaryna Andrejeva (Belarus) “IN THE AIR-RAID SHELTER” by Andriy Kostynskyi (Ukraine), 2024
“A Village Fest”
by Alisa Ganieva, Words Without Borders, 2023,
“One on One”
Excerpt from Vladimir Batshev’s novel Descendant of Bathsheba in Cardinal Points Literary Journal, vol. 10, 2020
Constructing the World: Art and Economy 1919-1939
Articles by Zelfira Tregulova/Faina Balakhovskaya and Daniel Bulatov Constructing the World: Art and Economy 1919-1939, Eckhart J. Gillen and Ulrike Lorenz (eds.), Kerber Verlag, 2018
“The Educational Use of Videoed Memoirs and Material on the History of the Minsk Ghetto and the Maly Trostenets Extermination Site”
Iryna Kashtalian, INTERACTIONS: Explorations of Good Practice in Educational Work with Video Testimonies of Victims of National Socialism, Werner Dreier, Angelika Laumer and Moritz Wein (eds.), Stiftung “Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft”, 2018
“The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State”
Peter Kropotkin’s preface to Mikhail Bakunin’s ”The Paris Commune and the Idea of the State”, Direct Struggle Against Capital, AK Press, 2014, ISBN: 9781849351706
Sweet Sixties: Specters and Spirits of a Parallel Avant-Garde
Articles by Boris Chukhovich and Viktor Misianoin in Sweet Sixties: Specters and Spirits of a Parallel Avant-Garde, Georg Schöllhammer and Ruben Arevshatyan (eds.), Sternberg Press 2014
by Yekaterina Mikhailovskaya, BODY,
Imperial Pomp: Post-Soviet High-Rise
Articles by Dmitriy Chmelnitzki and Irina Korobina in Imperial Pomp: Post-Soviet High-Rise, Kerber Verlag 2013, 176 pages, ISBN 978-3-86678-798-8
by Dmitri Novoselov, Words Without Borders,
“Post Soviet Agitprop”
Dmitry Astakhov, Status 24 Dokumente von heute, Daniela Janser and Thomas Seelig (eds.), Fotomuseum Winterthur, 2012
Revolt of the Fishermen, Gorizont, A Kiss from Mary Pickford
Subtitle translations for three historical films (Revolt of the Fishermen, Gorizont and A Kiss from Mary Pickford) shown at the Berlin Film Festival 2012 in the retrospective section devoted to the work of the Soviet-German film company Mezhrabpom, client: SUBS GbR, 2012
The Ukrainian Revolution
The first several chapters of The Ukrainian Revolution, Nestor Makhno (Volume 3 of his memoirs), Black Cat Press 2011, 242 pages, ISBN 978-1-926878-05-8
Tea Coffee Cappuccino
Boris Mikhailov’s foreword to his volume of photographs Tea Coffee Cappuccino, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2011, ISBN 978-3-86560-877-2
“The Tactics and Strategy of Resisting Masculine Culture: A Long-Term Artistic Project”
Anna Alchuk, Gender Check: A Reader: Art and Theory in Eastern Europe, ed. Bojana Pejić et al., Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-86560-883-3
Micol Assaël: ФОМУШКА / Fomuška
Texts for the exhibition catalogue Micol Assaël: ФОМУШКА / Fomuška, Kunsthalle Fridericianum (Kassel), Secession (Vienna) & Museion (Bolzano/Bozen) 2010, ISBN 978-3-86560-797-3
“The Picture Hunter: A conversation with Sergey Bratkov, Anna Alchuk and Mikhail Ryklin”
Sergey Bratkov – Glory Days / Heldenzeiten, Verlag Scheidegger & Spiess AG, Zürich, 2008, pp. 54-60
“The Nose of the Badger”
Konstantin Paustovsky, Meanjin, ETERNAL SUMMER Double Issue, Vol. 66 no. 4, 2007 – Vol. 67 no. 1, 2008, pp. 73-75
AIDS in Odessa
Boris Mikhailov’s foreword to AIDS in Odessa, Andrea Diefenbach, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2008
pereSTROIKA – reCONSTRUCTION of a flat
Subtitle translation for pereSTROIKA – reCONSTRUCTION of a flat by Christiane Büchner, client: SUBS GbR, 2008
“The Political Positions of Andrei Monastyrsky”
by Anatoly Osmolovsky (3 pages) and “Art and its Thresholds” by Keti Chukhrov (10 pages) for documenta 12 magazines, 2006 and 2007
Pavel Pepperstein and Guests
Essay and discussion between the Russian artists Pepperstein, Groys and Kabakov, Pavel Pepperstein and Guests, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2004, 69 pages
“Socialist Realism – Factory of the New Man”
Alexander Morozov “Socialist Realism – Factory of the New Man”, Dream Factory Communism: The Visual Culture of the Stalinist Era, Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2003, 18 pages
Karl Brunner
Subtitle translation for Karl Brunner by A. Maslyukov, client: SUBS GbR, 2003
Lend the King a Hand
Novel by Igor Hergenröther, translated 2002 (commended by the judges of the John Dryden Translation Competition 2003,, but as yet unpublished), 140 pages
Film script translation for Highlander (working title) by Alexander Rodionov, client: SUBS GbR, 2002
Russian Ark
Subtitle translation for Russian Ark by Alexander Sokurov, client: SUBS GbR, 2002
Broadway, Black Sea
Subtitle translation for Broadway, Black Sea by Vitali Manski, client: SUBS GbR, 2002
Russian Capitalism and the Global Economy
MPST (Russian unionists), 2001, 20 pages,
Gorbachev. After the Empire: Some Words
Subtitle translation for Gorbachev. After the Empire: Some Words by Vitali Manski, client: SUBS GbR, 2001
27 Missing Kisses
Subtitle translation for 27 Missing Kisses by Nana Djordjadze, client: SUBS GbR, 2000
South. Border
Subtitle translation for South. Border by Anton Adassinski, client: Theater Derevo, 2000
‘Make Way for the Working Class!’: The Russian Workers’ Uprising in Novocherkassk, 1962
A. Shubin, P. Siuda and A. Tarasov, 1997, 30 pages,
Cultural Property of the Ukraine Lost as a Result of World War II: Problems of Research and Restitution
Conference documentation of the Coordination Office of the German States for the Return of Cultural Property, Bremen, 1995, 15 pages
The Resurgence of Nationalism in the USSR and its Implications for State-Ethnic Relations
A.B. Zubov and A.M. Salmin, 1990 (for the Department of Political Science at the Australian National University, Canberra), 23 pages
Fringe-Groups and Marginalization in Soviet Society
Ye.N. Starikov, 1990 (for the Department of Political Science at the Australian National University, Canberra), 14 pages